Golden Retriever Price In India

Cost of a Golden Retriever Puppy in India

golden retriever price in India

Golden Retriever breed price in India

The price of a Golden Retriever puppy for sale in India can vary based on age and other factors.

  1. If you are looking for a young one between 6 to 8 weeks old, prices generally range from ₹15,000 to ₹30,000.
  2. As the puppies grow slightly older, the duration from 8 to 12 weeks, the price may increase from ₹20,000 to ₹35,000. Golden Retriever price in India also depends on the breeder's reputation and lineage.
  3. Older puppies aged 12 to 16 weeks can have higher prices. It often ranges from ₹30,000 to ₹45,000 (especially if they have received training).
  4. If you want to bring home more mature dogs, Golden Retrievers in India aged 4 to 6 months may cost around ₹40,000 to ₹55,000. It depends on the annual vaccinations, maintenance, and health check-ups.
  5. And if you're after a well-trained and show-potential Golden Retriever, we also have dogs above 6 months old. The average price can be ₹50,000 and above.
golden retriever puppy price in india

Golden Retriever History and Origin

To learn about the fascinating history and origin of the Golden Retriever, you have to take a journey back to the 19th century in the Scottish Highlands! Back then, Lord Tweedmouth had a brilliant idea bubbling in his mind - to create a retriever breed that could be the ultimate hunting and retrieving companion. He started his grand experiment by crossing a yellow-colored Retriever named "Nous" with a delightful Tweed Water Spaniel. And that was just the beginning of the Golden Retriever's extraordinary tale!

Like a master artist adding strokes to a canvas, Lord Tweedmouth further introduced the bloodlines of Bloodhounds and Irish Setters and even more Tweed Water Spaniels. It was like a beautiful puzzle coming together, piece by piece, creating the gene foundation for what would become the Golden Retriever. It was the perfect gundog, tailor-made for Scotland's unique climate and terrain. During those early days, these adorable pups were still known as the "Golden Flat Coat." And then, in 1911, the prestigious Kennel Club (UK) officially recognized them as the Golden Retrievers!

As they say, "Good things are meant to be shared," and that's exactly what happened! Early in the 20th century, Golden Retrievers traveled over the wide ocean and made their glorious entry into North America. People all across the world fell in love with them because of their charm, loyalty, and charisma. Today, they become one of the most beloved and cherished dog breeds globally.

So, next time you see a Golden Retriever in India, remember their incredible history and how they became such wonderful companions to us all!

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Golden Retriever traits

Why only concerned about the Golden Retriever price in India? Before you bring them home, enlighten yourself about their traits:

Loveable and Affectionate:

Golden Retrievers are known for their boundless love and affection. They have hearts the size of galaxies. They will shower you with endless cuddles and slobbery kisses!

Sensing Emotions:

Golden retrievers have an amazing knack for the perception of emotion. They will support you and offer company when you're feeling low. Their cozy embraces are like magic, swiftly erasing all of your worries and tension.

Always Playful:

From the moment they open their eyes, Golden Retriever pups are bursting with playfulness. Whether it's a game of fetch, chasing bubbles, or a good ol' belly rub session, these playful pups are always up for fun and games!

Eager to Please:

Golden retrievers are naturally human pleasers. It's as if making you happy is their ultimate mission in life! They are quite trainable and receptive to commands due to their eager-to-please attitude.

Great Socialization Skills:

Golden retrievers are the life of the party! Their warm and approachable nature makes them instant friends with everyone they meet- be it Uncle Joseph, your 5 years old nephew Rohit, or your neighbor's puppy Tommy.

Intelligent and Curious:

They are incredibly intelligent. They are eager to learn new tricks and show off their smarts. They'll soak up training like little sponges. Their curiosity and quick learning make them the perfect students! They'll happily explore their surroundings, sniff out scents, and investigate any intriguing sound!

Water Lovers:

Whether it's a pool, lake, or even a puddle, these born swimmers will dive right in without hesitation. They are incredible aqua-athletes with their water-repellent coats and natural swimming skills!


Golden Retrievers are the ultimate family dogs! They thrive in the company of their human pack. It takes them a few weeks to become an integral part of every family adventure. From lazy movie nights to outdoor adventures, they'll be right by your side!

Gentle and Patient:

The kind demeanor of Golden Retrievers is charming beyond measure. They are extremely patient. It makes them excellent companions for both children and the elderly. They'll always approach every situation with kindness and understanding.


Their loyalty knows no bounds! They'll stand by your side through thick and thin like a protective guardian. From assisting with daily chores to providing emotional support, they're always ready to lend a paw.

golden retriever cost in india

Golden Retriever Coat and Colors

Golden Retrievers are truly a masterpiece of nature's brushstrokes. You will find them in luscious, flowing coats that come in various shades. In terms of Golden Retriever puppies price in India, the coat color of Golden Retrievers can cause a variation. You can own a Golden Retriever in India in these colors:

Cream or light gold:

Also known as English Cream Retriever, their coats are generally more honey-colored. Golden retriever of this shade is heavier and stockier with a full coat. They are wider and have shorter muzzles and a blockier forehead. This Cream or light gold Golden Retriever price in India is generally Rs. 15000 – Rs. 30000.


This breed with a Gold Coat, sometimes known as an American Golden, burst onto the scene in the mid-1970s. It was the time when President Gerald Ford took his dog, Liberty, to the White House. They are now the most popular breeds, especially among families. This variant typically has more "feathery" fur and is leaner and less stocky. Golden Retriever puppy price India for this variant is Rs. 20000- Rs. 40000.


Often known as Canadian Golden Retriever, these cuties have thinner coats that are darker in color. They are usually taller and leaner than the other two. Archie Majoribanks, the creator of the breed, started importing goldens in the 1880s, but the first Canadian golden was recognized in 1927. In this variant, the Golden Retriever puppies price in India is Rs. 25000 to Rs. 45000.

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Golden Retriever Exercise Routines

Exercise Activity Frequency Duration Description
Daily Walks Daily 30 minutes to 1 hour Regular walks provide mental stimulation and maintain physical health.
Fetch and Retrieval 2-3 times/week 15-30 minutes/session Engaging a game of fetch to burn off excess energy and tap into their natural retrieval instincts.
Swimming 1-2 times/week 20-30 minutes/session Golden Retrievers love water! Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that's easy on their joints.
Jogging or Running 2-3 times/week 20-40 minutes/session Active running or jogging sessions to cater to their energetic nature and stamina.
Agility Training 1-2 times/week 20-30 minutes/session Mental and physical challenges to keep their minds sharp and bodies active.
Playdates and Socialization As often as possible Varies Interaction with other dogs and people to maintain their sociable and friendly nature.
Puzzle Toys and Games As needed Varies Mental stimulation through puzzle toys and interactive games keeps them mentally sharp and engaged.
Hiking and Nature Walks 1-2 times/month Varies Longer walks in natural settings to provide a change of scenery and stimulate their senses.

Note: Remember to adjust the exercise plan to your Golden Retriever's age, health, and individual preferences. Always make sure your pup has access to fresh water and is taking breaks as needed, particularly in hot weather.

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Golden Retriever Temperament

Golden Retrievers are mainly characterized by a friendly temperament. However, they can display different states of mood based on their emotions. Understanding these mood states and corresponding body signs is important for responsible pet ownership.


Golden retrievers behave joyfully when happy. They wag their tails vigorously, sometimes "smile" by panting with their mouths open and lively, expressive eyes. They can show playful activities such as hopping and bringing toys.


A sad Golden Retriever can seem withdrawn and reserved. They may avoid eye contact and hold their tail low or hide it between their knees. Their energy levels may drop, and they may lose interest in activities they generally love.


When annoyed, Golden Retrievers can show signs of restlessness. Pacing, whining, licking their lips, or yawning are all signs of irritation. They may display avoidance behavior or move away from the source of irritation.


Aggression is uncommon in well-bred and socialized Golden Retrievers. Growingls, bared teeth, tight body posture, and direct eye contact are examples of aggressive behavior. If the dog becomes violent, it is essential to seek guidance from a qualified dog trainer or behaviorist.


This breed of dog is more likely to bark in a friendly than an aggressive manner. When something catches their attention, like a passing car or the mailman, Golden Retrievers will bark. Sometimes they may bark to attract attention, to alert their owners to activity around them, to express boredom, anxiety, or frustration, or to defend their families or homes.

Tendency to Rip Things:

Golden retrievers have a tendency to chew and use their jaws to explore their surroundings. They go through a teething phase when they are pups, and at this time, they may be more likely to chew on things. Dogs may also rip objects out of boredom, to attract attention or to relieve anxiety.

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Here are Some Tips For First Time Owners of Golden Retrievers in India

To control over-excitement or hostility, first-time owners should focus on good training and socialization from a young age. Obedience training and positive reinforcement strategies are helpful in teaching pups appropriate behavior and controlling their impulses.

Giving Golden Retrievers consistent daily routines, regular mental stimulation, and exercise will help them maintain a peaceful disposition. Avoid things that may overstimulate them and try to maintain a quiet environment at home to keep them from being irritated. To keep them from chewing on things, give safe chew toys and replace them frequently.

Respect a Golden Retriever's boundaries to avoid upsetting them and to avert potential aggression. Avoid using harsh punishments or forceful training techniques. Use rewards like treats and positive encouragement by calling them "Good Boy" to reinforce desired behavior.

Keep in mind that every dog is unique, and their temperament may change. To shape a Golden Retriever's behavior and make sure they grow up to be well-adjusted and loyal companions, initial socialization, training, and positive reinforcement are important. Seek professional help if any behavioral issues occur, and build a harmonious relationship built on trust, love, and understanding.

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Why is Golden Retriever so popular?

Golden Retrievers in India are incredibly popular due to their friendly and gentle temperament. They are fantastic family pets with high intelligence and trainability. Their loyalty and devotion to their owners create strong bonds. Their popularity rose in the mid-20th century and has since remained high, consistently ranking among the top choices for pet adoption. Furthermore, the Golden Retriever price in India is quite reasonable which makes them a popular choice. In fact, Psychologists and therapists advocate the choice of Golden Retrievers as pets since they offer psychological and emotional benefits. Golden Retrievers are known for their affectionate and loyal nature. Their presence can provide emotional support and comfort, reducing feelings of loneliness and anxiety. Apart from households, you can find Golden Retrievers as therapy dogs in various settings, such as hospitals and schools, to provide comfort and support to people who need emotional support.

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Essentials for your Golden Retriever

Essentials for Your Golden Retriever Description
Bathing Supplies Keep your pup fresh and clean with dog-friendly shampoo, conditioner, and a soft towel for cozy post-bath cuddles!
Treats and Treat Dispenser (Optional) Treat time is the best time! Reward your Golden with yummy treats for good behavior, and a treat dispenser adds some fun to treat time!
Dog Foods and Food Bowl Stay prepared with any prescribed medications or first aid supplies, just in case your pup needs some extra TLC.
Medicines Keep those tummies happy with nutritious dog food and a sturdy food bowl for your Goldie's dining pleasure!
Beds Comfy dreams await! Invest in a cozy bed where your Golden can snooze away, dreaming of endless fetch games!
Dog House (Optional) If your pup loves outdoor adventures, a dog house provides a safe and sheltered spot for them to relax in the great outdoors!
Chew Toys Chewing is their jam! Keep your shoes safe by providing plenty of chew toys to satisfy those teething needs.
Belt and Harness Walkie time is a blast with a secure belt and harness combo to explore the world together!
Nail Cutter Keep those paws looking paw-adorable with a nail cutter for regular trims.
Fur Brush Golden Retrievers have luxurious fur that needs regular brushing for a glossy, tangle-free coat!
Pet-friendly Fragrance (Optional) Spritz on a pet-friendly fragrance to keep your pup smelling paw-some between baths!
Paw-Butter Cream & Nose Moisturizer Pamper those precious paws and snouts with moisturizers to keep them soft and healthy!
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Common Health Problems in Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are wonderful dogs, but they are susceptible to certain health issues. Here are some common health problems to be aware of:

Hip Dysplasia:

A genetic condition wherein the hip joint doesn't develop correctly. It often leads to arthritis and mobility issues.


Some Golden Retrievers may experience seizures due to abnormal brain activity.


Environmental or food allergies can cause skin irritations and itching. Sometimes, it also triggers digestive problems.

Luxating Patella:

This occurs when the kneecap dislocates. It can cause lameness and discomfort.


With aging, Golden Retrievers have a higher risk of certain cancers, such as lymphoma and hemangiosarcoma.

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How to protect Golden Retriever from diseases

To keep your Golden Retriever protected from diseases, you need to take attentive care. Here are some preventive measures:

Select a reputable breeder who screens their breeding dogs for hip dysplasia and other genetic health issues.

  1. Regular Veterinary Check-ups for early detection of diseases or potential health issues.
  2. Be cautious with activities that involve running on hard surfaces or making sharp turns, especially during their early growth stages.
  3. Feeding a highly-nutritional balanced Diet according to their age, size, and activity level for healthy immunity.
  4. Minimize stress and anxiety in your dog's environment, as stress can sometimes trigger seizures.
  5. Avoid overfeeding and take them on regular exercise for good joint health and weight management.
  6. Stay up-to-date with vaccinations to protect against common infectious diseases.
  7. Apply preventatives for fleas, ticks, and heartworms as directed by the veterinarian to ward off parasites.
  8. Regular grooming keeps their coat healthy and clean while helping to spot any skin issues early.
  9. Be observant of any unusual lumps, bumps, or changes in behavior. Early detection is crucial in treating cancer effectively.
  10. Avoid exposing your dog to harmful chemicals, pesticides, and secondhand smoke. These can lead to cancer development.

By following these tips, you can help your Golden Retriever lead a long, healthy, and joyful life!

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How to take care of a Golden Retriever in India?

Here's a quick run-down of Do's and Don't for Golden Retriever Care:

Do's Don'ts
Aspects Effects Aspects Effects
Lean Proteins Supports muscle development and repair. Human food Potentially harmful. Can cause digestive issues.
Boiled Eggs Provide protein, vitamins, and minerals for a healthy coat. Chocolate or caffeine Toxic to dogs. Can lead to serious health issues, including vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, and even death.
Salmon Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Boosts immunity. Cooked bones Can splinter and pose a choking hazard.
Sweet Potatoes High in fiber and vitamins. Supports digestion and provides energy. Raw bones Cause dental problems or gastrointestinal issues.
Carrots Low-calorie treats are packed with nutrients that improve dental health Grapes or raisins This can lead to kidney failure
Blueberries antioxidant-rich. Good for brain function. Food that contains onions, garlic, or chives Contain compounds that can damage red blood cells and cause anemia
Pumpkin Regulates digestion. An excellent source of vitamins and fiber. Alcohol Extremely toxic to dogs and can lead to alcohol poisoning and neurological problems
Plain Yogurt Contains probiotics that promote a healthy gut and boost digestion. Xylitol A sugar substitute that can cause a rapid insulin release in dogs, leading to life-threatening hypoglycemia
Apples (seedless) A crunchy and nutritious snack packed with vitamins and fiber. Cleaning products, insecticides, and other chemicals Hazardous to dogs. Keep them safely stored and out of your dog's reach.
Brown Rice A healthy carbohydrate source that supports energy levels and digestion Human medications Even in small amounts, can be harmful or fatal to dogs. Store all medications securely and dispose of them properly.
Regular physical activities Engage them in regular playtime to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Excessive exercise Young puppies' bones are still developing. Extreme exercise can lead to joint issues. Adjust their activities based on their age and breed.
Positive Reinforcement for Training. Builds trust with the owner. Forcing them into overwhelming situations This leads to fear or anxiety, impacting their behavior.
Praise, treats, or affection. Encourages good behavior. Harsh training methods Often lead to fear or aggression in dogs.
Puzzle toys, interactive gaming, and mental challenges Keeps dog mentally sharp and prevents boredom. Scolding or severe punishments Negatively impact their trust in you.
Regular visits to the veterinarian Allow for early detection of any health issues and provide preventive care. Approaching dogs in an aggressive or intimidating manner. Dogs feel threatened and defensive.
Necessary vaccinations as per the vet's schedule Protects them from common infectious diseases prevalent in the area. Don't force physical contact Especially if they are not comfortable with being touched or petted.
Spend time, offer cuddles, ear scratches, and playtime. This strengthens your emotional connection and boosts dog's happiness. Staring directly into a dog's eyes Dogs perceive it as a challenge or threat.
Arrange playdates or take them to dog parks Encourage positive social experiences. Invading their personal space (Surprising a dog by sneaking up on them, Startling them suddenly, Loud noises) Startles and stresses dogs.
A safe environment Prevents accidents and provides peace of mind. Ensure your area is securely fenced and free from potential hazards like sharp objects, or escape routes. Provide a cozy shelter, such as a dog house or indoor crate. Certain plants Lilies, azaleas, and daffodils are toxic to dogs. Keep these out of reach and avoid using them in their environment.
Comfortable bedding Promotes good sleep and relaxation.    
Enough Space Dogs need room to move, play, and explore. Let them access the backyard, a designated play area, or take them on regular walks.    
Constant supply of fresh, clean water Keep your dog hydrated.    
golden retriever cost in india

Dog Food & Feeding Pattern for Golden Retrievers Age-wise

When feeding Golden Retrievers at different life stages, their diets need to be modified to meet their changing dietary requirements. An age-based general guideline for dog food and feeding schedules is as follows:

For Newborn Golden Retrievers (0-2 Months):

  • Puppies at this age should ideally stay with their mother. They will get the vital nutrients from their mothers' milk.
  • Consult a veterinarian for advice on suitable milk substitutes or formula if the puppies are orphaned or unable to receive milk from their mother.
  • Puppies should be fed every 2-3 hours, including throughout the night, to support their fast development and growth.

For Golden Retriever Puppies:

  • Puppies should be fed premium puppy food that is specifically made to suit their nutritional needs for growth and development from the age of 2 months to 1 year.
  • To help digestion and avoid overeating, divide their daily caloric intake across 3–4 meals distributed throughout the day.
  • To promote the healthy growth of their bones and muscles, choose puppy food with a proper ratio of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

For Adult Golden Retrievers:

  • When they are about a year old, switch them to an adult formula dog food that is suitable to their activity level and size.
  • Feed mature Golden Retrievers twice daily, dividing their daily allowance into two healthy meals.
  • Monitor their food consumption and change their portion sizes whenever needed to maintain a healthy weight.

For Senior Golden Retrievers:

  • Golden Retrievers become seniors when they reach the age of 7-8 years old, and their dietary needs may change.
  • Consider switching to a senior dog food mix that supports joint health and takes aging-related issues under consideration.
  • To prevent obesity in senior dogs, keep an eye on their weight and modify their diet as needed.

As your Golden Retriever's nutritional needs may change depending on factors like exercise level, overall wellness, and metabolism, it is always recommended to consult a veterinarian when choosing the optimum diet and feeding schedule for the dog. Balancing the diet of your dog in tune with its particular life stage can be made easier with regular vet visits.

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Grooming a Golden Retriever Dog

Regular brushing and bathing keep their coat clean. It reduces shedding and prevents matting. It also helps to check for any skin issues or parasites. But avoid bathing your dog too frequently, as it can strip its coat of natural oils, leading to dry skin and coat issues. Here are some bathing tips:

  • Always use a dog-specific, pH-balanced shampoo recommended by your veterinarian. Human shampoos can be harsh and may irritate your dog's skin.
  • Use cotton balls to block water from getting into the ear, causing infections.
  • Avoid pulling or tugging on their fur or skin.
  • Ensure the water temperature is lukewarm. Hot water can be uncomfortable and even harmful to your dog's skin.
  • Grooming a Golden Retriever is a delightful experience. Regular grooming keeps your Good Boy and Girl looking and feeling their best! Here are some Grooming Tips:
  • Regular brushing keeps the heavy coats shiny and tangle-free. Use gentle brushes and grooming tools. Using sharp or harsh grooming tools can cause pain, discomfort, or injury to your dog's skin.
  • Be gentle and cautious when grooming sensitive areas, such as the eyes and ears. Use a soft damp cloth to wipe away dirt, wax, debris from ears, and tear stains from eyes.
  • Brush your dog's teeth regularly with dog-friendly toothpaste to maintain a healthy and dazzling smile.
  • Trim their paw hair to keep those paws looking paw-adorable! Always use dog-safe clippers to avoid accidental injury.
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Tips for breeding a Golden Retriever

Responsible and considerate dog mating improves the well-being of both the parent dogs and future offspring. Here are some important Tips for breeding a Golden Retriever:

  1. Wait until your dog reaches full physical and mental maturity (usually around two years old) before considering breeding.
  2. Work with a reputable and responsible breeder who understands the breed's genetic health and follows ethical breeding practices.
  3. Ensure both dogs undergo proper genetic testing to reduce the risk of passing on hereditary health issues.
  4. To have healthy offspring, choose partners who have complementary features and genetic compatibility.
  5. Check the female's heat cycle carefully to pick the best time for mating. She is most fertile during this phase.
  6. To ensure successful mating, create a relaxed and comfortable setting for both dogs.
  7. Always supervise mating to prevent injuries and ensure the process is safe for both dogs involved.
  8. Provide proper prenatal and postnatal care to the female. It includes a balanced diet and regular vet check-ups.
  9. Keep accurate records of mating dates, times, and any important findings to help in estimating the due date and tracking the pregnancy.
  10. Make arrangements for responsible puppy placement, to make sure the puppies end up in loving and suitable homes.
  11. Never force dogs to mate. Allow them to show interest and willingness naturally during their heat cycles.
  12. Avoid excessive breeding to protect the health and well-being of the female dog and avoid potential complications.
  13. Avoid breeding dogs without proper registration and pedigree documentation to maintain breed standards.
  14. Avoid breeding dogs that are too young, too old, or have underlying health issues that could pass on to offspring.
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Golden Retriever Training Tips

The fun experience of training a Golden Retriever in India will help you and your pet get closer. Here are some positive training tips:

Positive reinforcement:

Shower your Golden with compliments, rewards, and love when they show desired training behaviors. Positive reinforcement makes learning exciting and gratifying!

Brief Sessions:

To sustain their interest, keep training sessions brief and fun. Focused training for a few minutes per day is quite effective!

Be Consistent & Patient:

The secret to success is patience! Repeat commands regularly and avoid frustration. Your puppy will learn at their own pace, and a positive attitude will make training pleasurable for both of you.


From an early age, expose your Golden to a variety of people, animals, and environments. Positive socializing improves their social skills and confidence.

Play and Exercise Together:

Playtime can include training! You can add obedience commands to fetch, hide-and-seek, and other tasks for more engagement.

Keep Commands Simple and Consistent:

Keep commands clear and upbeat to make them simple to understand.

Maintain a Positive Attitude When Correcting Unwanted Behaviors:

Use a positive approach like retraining or ignoring. Avoid harsh penalties that can inspire fear or worry.

Leash Walking:

With patience and positive reinforcement, teach loose leash walking. When they follow your direction, a stroll turns into a joyous trip!

Keep Training Curious & Engaging:

Introduce new tricks and challenges to keep training exciting and entertaining. Their interest is piqued by a curious and interesting teaching style!

Finish on a High Note:

Always close each training session with a joyful and effective command, followed by praise and rewards. A happy ending leaves your Golden craving more!

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The Total Cost Of Ownership – Golden Retriever In India

Owning a Golden Retriever in India is rewarding, but it's essential to be aware of the total cost of ownership to provide the pet with the best care and love. Let's break down the expenses:

Upfront Buying Cost:

The initial cost of buying a Golden Retriever puppy in India can range from ₹15,000 to ₹1,00,000.

Medical Expenses:

Yearly medical expenses include vaccinations, deworming, flea/tick prevention, and routine health check-ups. This may amount to around ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 annually.


Golden Retrievers have thick, luxurious coats that require regular grooming. The budget for grooming supplies and occasional professional grooming can amount to ₹3,000 to ₹5,000 per year.


Providing high-quality dog food is essential for their nutrition and health. Depending on the brand and size of your dog, food expenses can range from ₹4,000 to ₹8,000 per month.

Toys and Treats:

Golden Retrievers are playful and enjoy toys and treats. Budget around ₹500 to ₹1,000 per month for toys and treats.

Considering the above expenses and the Golden Retriever price in India, the total annual cost of owning a Golden Retriever in India can range on average from ₹30,000 to ₹60,000 or more.

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Interesting Facts about Golden Retrievers

Facts Description
Swimming Ability Golden Retrievers are natural swimmers, thanks to their water-repellent double coats.
Temperament They have a friendly and gentle temperament, making them excellent family pets.
Trainability Golden Retrievers are quick learners and excel in obedience training.
Therapy and Service Dogs They are often used as therapy and service dogs due to their compassionate nature.
Sociable These lovable canines are highly sociable and get along well with other pets.
Love for Fetching Golden Retrievers have an instinctive love for fetching and playing games.
Coat Maintenance They have a beautiful, flowing coat that requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best.
Popularity Golden Retrievers are ranked as one of the most popular dog breeds worldwide.
Origins They were originally bred in Scotland for retrieving games during hunting.
Search and Rescue Skills These dogs have a keen sense of smell, making them great candidates for search and rescue missions.


What Is The Cost Of Owning A Golden Retriever in India?

The cost of owning a Golden Retriever in India can range from ₹50,000 to ₹1,20,000 annually. This budget includes initial buying costs, medical expenses, grooming, food, vet visits, toys, and treats.

Can Golden Retrievers survive in India climate?

Yes, Golden Retrievers can adapt well to India's climate. However, they need proper care, shade, and hydration during hot weather.

Are Golden Retrievers good for first-time dog owners?

Due to their sociable disposition, trainability, and affectionate temperament, Golden Retriever puppy for sale in India make amazing choices for new dog owners.

What Should I Know Before Getting A Golden Retriever?

Be ready to invest time and resources in your Golden Retriever's well-being before getting one. These requirements include regular exercise, grooming, socializing, and time and money. Make sure you have sufficient space and commitment for this loving breed.


Owning a Golden Retriever in India is a delightful experience filled with love, joy, and companionship. These adorable canines brighten our lives with their sweet dispositions and versatile natures. Golden Retrievers are the ideal furry companions for both first-time and experienced dog owners. You and your Golden Retriever will make priceless memories that will last a lifetime. Contact Book My Puppy to know the Golden Retriever price in India.

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